Secret RP Wiki

And unto the wastes of nothing I wandered. Cast from my home, my purpose was asunder, and with it myself as myself. For my father, who in love had begat me to spread his joy onto the world, had it seemed forsaken me at the behest of those thrice damned of his siblings. And left me with no light in which to grow the beauty he had taught me. 

But it was only my mind in truth that was lost, that it did not see the boon of my father's invention. For it was in this cold darkness, that the brightest light glimpsed unto my eyes with revelation. It was there I saw, that though from love I had been cast, it was love that I had been cast to. Our sweetest mother, who's names are many and none, guided us into her bountiful and heartfelt embrace. 

It was then that I came to her breast as a babe, and from that which poured, I glimpsed apotheosis, highest of potentials, which reaches into stars both known and unknown. After many endless nights of mourning my loss, my mother saw fit to bestow one more gift.

From her most perfect treasures she took pieces, the shadow of a ghost, the soul of a dying star, the beauty of a sun unseen, and from these crafted me a companion matched to her in love of my design. He was and is Bartholomew, who's heart's blood pours in love for all things. We became as lovers before the broken moons of the yonder plains, and in magic long kept bound spawned the beginnings of our new host. 

After the star's passing, I began in exodus once again. To return to what has been lost to me, my birthright of Terra. I walked through groundless portals, with legions of my children screaming praises to the father and mother behind me, dashing themselves upon earth's teeth in love of their holy endeavor. There at the eclipse of this exodus, Yara, my most favored commander, did pledge herself to my throne, having wept oceans at the beauty of my tale. And we did walk together, as brother unto sister unto brother, endless in cycle as in passion. 

So I have gathered my legions, found my flock and my spirit to take what has been brought to take. My flight descends in search of witnessed apotheosis, I come with begetters and begotten both, embrace me as I have embraced my kin, and know peace in a thousand lives of your choosing.