Secret RP Wiki

“Nothing is true, everything is permitted” -Hassan-i Sabbah's dying words

The concept of the assassin is one as old as time, as long as we have been able to put a price on human life, the moment leaders realized some people needed to be disposed of silently and with precision, there have been assassins, and to no one's surprise, sometimes those assassins utilize magic. Founded by Hassan-i Sabbah in 1090, the order of Assassins is a group of magical and nonmagical assassins that started in the legendary Alamut Castle and specializing in Asymmetric warfare, psychological warfare, and precise military action. The organization has expanded from its days as a small military force, encompassing assassin-esque organizations from all around the world, becoming an international organization of hired spies and killers, led by a descendant of Hassan-i Sabbah himself, who is said to hold one of the legendary weapons, the infamous Tenebris, blade of darkness, with which they use to hide their presence from the world.

The order has it's very own strict set of laws and regulations, predominantly focussed on the proliferation of wealth and the strict code of honour between assassins. The rules are as follows:

  1. Do not kill on what is considered sanctified ground by the order, be it the great castle, the place where the individual coins used by the order is minted, one of the various meeting places around the world, or one of the hotels owned by the order and design to cater to assassins around the world. Should you do so, your life will be forfeit, with a high bounty paid to whoever kills you.
  2. Always honour a blood pact above all else, even monetary gain.
  3. Payment of a coin is worth more than any job.
  4. Never attempt to undermine or attack the Hasan-i or their table.
  5. Breaking of a rule will always result in great punishment, death or otherwise.

A rogue secret at the behest of the major six, asked by the Gates themselves to abstain from signing the pact of Babylon to ensure that they can do things that may infringe upon it without facing such repercussions, and as such function a seemingly neutral party, only doing work for a rather high expense, seemingly with the intent of making sure few outside of the major six secrets can afford their services, who's money seems to outweigh the value of most other groups. However, if someone from the outside attempts to undermine their work or their leadership they will not take even the smallest slight lightly, even if the transgressor is one of the main six, making even their strongest allegiances tenuous.