An artists rendition of the outside of the temple that houses the font of souls
Most things die eventually, that is an indisputable fact, and when a body dies, the soul continues, and can go in one of a few directions, either converted into an angel or a devil, reincarnated quickly, or left in the font of souls to wait, slowly being repurposed over time as their previous life is archived within the font itself. No one is entirely sure how it got there or why it exists, but analysis of the building itself shows that it is much older than even earth or the gods of the moon. IT sits in the moon within the no mans land upon the moon, just on the edge of the dark and light side, and despite their differences and constant war, the twin owl gods of the moon will often protect it fiercely from anyone deemed a threat to it.
The font of souls is often thought to be some kind of magical computational device that is designed to actively log and archive the data within the souls of anything that lived and died upon earth. As such, many of these copied souls and souls that are waiting to be processed are left in virtual limbo, usually resembling an amalgamation of eras and cultures in which these spirits exist in a neutral harmony. Many speculate that it may be possible to recreate a soul using magic and borrowing data from the Font's central storage unit.
Now despite the work of the twin gods and their followers, the font of souls has not been left completely alone. In fact, KOSMOS, the infamous technomagical organization that fights against the secrets, have somehow found a back door of sorts to access the font of souls, entering the central processing room where even the twin gods dare not set foot, and have been using the virtual limbo within the Font of Souls to train their agents andSlicers, and, if rumour is to be believed, may be trying to pull legendary heroes from bygone eras back to the world of the living to use as their soldiers as war becomes an increasingly more likely outcome.