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For all intents and purposes, death is final. Sure, some exceptional individuals may become either an Angel or a Demon after they pass, but that process is long and arduous, and at that point are you even really the same person you once were? Of course, it's also known that some Fallen may come back as a Lich after they die, but thats more of a state of undeath rather than truley coming back to life. So it remains, then, that for the vast majority of people, there is no coming back from death. 

But what if I told you that isn't strictly true? That there existed a way to truley return someone from the dead, exactly as they were before? For you see, there exists a little known ritual from the school of White Occultism known as the "Sacrifice of Two Lives". Known by few and attempted only by those most desperate, the ritual goes as follows:

First, you need the body of the individual whom you wish to return to life. If you do not have the body, or if it has decayed to a point beyond use, then the deceaced cannot be brought back to life. 

Second, if you do have a body in optimal condition, you will next have to obtain a still living Phoenix , and another living being of the same species as the deceaced. Sound easy enough? Well strap in, here comes the part where most turn away.

Once you've aquired the corpse, the phoenix, and the other person, you must wait until the night of a full moon. Any other night, and Phosphoris won't have the power needed to snatch a soul away from Vesperius' watch and ferry it back to earth. Next, you must wash the body of the deceaced, and in your own blood, inscribe occult symbols of life and rebirth onto their flesh. 

Then, under the light of the full moon, you must kill both the phoenix and the person and cut out their hearts. Once both hearts are removed, you must eat both of them, and chew them up in your mouth until they are mixed into a fine paste. At no point may you swallow the hearts nor regurgitate. Once they hearts are sufficiently puree'd in your mouth, you must feed the mush to the corpse much like a mother bird feeds her young, all while invoking Phos in one's mind (For those not aware of the true nature of the afterlife, any diety or spirit with domain over the dead is acceptable, so long as the caster believes in their power). Make sure that the mush actually goes down the corpse's throat, otherwise all is for naught.

If and only if every step of the process is completed perfectly, then the soul of the dead will be returned to their body and they will return to life. However, if any step of the process if botched in any way, then what returns to you will not be anything recognizable, not pleasant.