Secret RP Wiki
Mage duel nature and destruction by gjaldir-d7dyidd

Despite their common fealty to the Nexus, Secrets have been known to war over the Babylon Pact.

Rogue Secrets are organizations of Sorcerers that not only refuse to sign but openly defy the Babylon Pact. They reject the notion of bureaucratic organization in Magic, though they still use and rely on the power of the Nexus. Most of the Rogue Secrets even cooperate with Babylon when fighting the forces of the Abyss and the Others, but otherwise, they tend to follow their own devices. Rogue Secrets do not tend to possess Triads, and usually only adhere to their own structure of governance, being lead by only one or maybe many if they have any leaders at all.

The Rogue Secrets are impossible to classify as one group, and each is unique in their behaviors and powers but unlike many of the other organizations who act outside of the Babylon pact, they are still given a place at the proverbial table in discussions amongst secrets, though many feel as though the act of allowing their participation is either an active undermining of the pact if they are of a major secret or aligned with them, or as nothing more than an act of tokenism, leaving them feeling often ignored if they speak out too readily against them, making this alliance tenuous at best and often nothing more than performative. One of The most powerful and active of them does have some form of authority and respect among many of them, however. Though it has no official name, it is usually known as the Twelfth Spell.