Secret RP Wiki
Secret RP Wiki

Hidden away in the Irish countryside, amongst the farm land and the small fishing villages sits the seat of magic for all of Ireland, a gathering place where fae, sorcerers, occultists, and all manner of magical entities affiliated with the land of saints and scholars can be found. Known as the last kingdom of heroes, the hidden city spans a large portion of southern Ireland and is home to all manner of beings, as well as acting as the location for the headquarters of Ireland's rogue secret.

Known as the Keepers of the Four Treasures, this odd group of magic users, fae, and other such people, are mostly known for their warrior spirit, their close knit inner circle, their various major families, and their odd traditions and rituals. Most notably, the Keepers are often commanded by one of its central families at a time, commanded by the 'Maiden, Mother, and Crone' of said family, being the youngest, middle, and eldest women of the family who act as the generals, arbiters, and decision makers of the group and acting similar to the triad of a normal secret, chief among them being the avatar of the Morrigan, who possesses incredible magical ability and is believed to be a connection to El itself by way of the goddess Morrigan. When an avatar of the Morrigan is born, her family immediately becomes the new heads of the Keepers, and remain in that position until the avatar dies and the aura of the Morrigan passes to another.

As their name would suggest, the Keepers of the Four Treasures are indeed the guards of the four great treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann, as well as several other legendary artifacts and locations associated with Ireland and it's magics. Similarly, it is strongly believed (and readily supported) that members of the Keepers are often incarnations or avatars of various historical, mythological, and spiritual figures from Irish history, dating back to the dawn of the nation and the Cycle of Myths, though many outsiders remain somewhat skeptical of these claims. Rumour has it that they may even hold one Legendary Weapon though that may not be legitimate.

They specialize in nature oriented magic, and often ignore the set boundaries between occultism and natural magic in favour of strengthening both. They're rather agressive towards the normal secrets, known to violently agrgess upon them when goaded to join the pact proper, as they had famously refused to many years before. However, they work quite closely with other rogue secrets, and even some of the minor secrets, but often with the caviet that their methods and traditions will go unquestioned.

Currently, the family in power is that of the McKees, with the youngest daughter Monica currently acting as the avatar of the Morrigan.