Secret RP Wiki

Babel is the palace of the Deities.

The Deities are considered the ultimate forms of the Elementals, creatures of incredible power that embody the essence of their element. They manifest as formless, seemingly mindless masses of energy who then conform themselves to the belief systems of those they interact with, taking the shapes of various gods and goddesses from human mythology that fall in line with their particular mythological archetypes.

The Deities are components of the Nexus, though whether they are truly sentient is not entirely clear, and as such the distinction between a deity and their element is hard to define.

No deity has ever died, but there is a worrying theory that if that were to happen, the element that they represented would be lost to the world forever.

Primordial Deities

  • Ishtara is the primordial goddess of Fire. The archetype of rage, the vengeful god who urges humanity to action.
  • Neptulos is the primordial god of Water. The archetype of the secretive god, the recluse.
  • Atlar is the primordial god of Earth. The archetype of the wise nature god, the horned god of wisdom.
  • Oriel is the primordial goddess of Air. The archetype of the pure and just god, the creative.

Celestial Deities

  • Apollion is the celestial deity of Light. The archetype of the lawmaker god, The warrior
  • Mephisto is the celestial deity of Dark. The archetype of the trickster.

Minor Deities

  • Vesperius is the lunar deity of the New Moon. The archetype of the blacksmith and the judge of the dead.
  • Phosphoris is the lunar deity of the Full Moon. The archetype of the ferrywoman of the dead and the huntress.

El and Lilith

  • Lilith is sometimes considered to be the deity of the Abyss. Ahe rchetype of hunger, corruption, and temptation.

The collective of all six Deities in one being, the sentient and cogent strength of all magical energy in the world, is known as El, the archetype of creation and the progenitor god, mother and father of the world.

Contested Deities

  • The Star of Flesh Ascended Otherwise known as Magnus, this being makes claims of being a deity over the sphere of life and death. Whether or not this is true is the source of much debate.