Secret RP Wiki

A Pactkeeper, empowered by the Secrets to oversee them all when the Pact is activated.

The Babylon Pact is an agreement made by many of the Secrets of the world formalizing the defense of the Earth and the Nexus within it. The Pact has been active for thousands of years, originally signed in Babylon by several of the most ancient Secrets. The Gates of Babylon are the Secret that oversees and protects the Pact, but they have no power over the Secrets that signed it other than that of contributing to calling the Pact into action. To call the Pact, an official representative of all six of the Primary Secrets must be present in the council room of Babylon.

The rules of the Pact state that if a particular Secret is in danger of complete obliteration, all other Secrets must come to their aid. Likewise, if a threat manifests in the world that is strong enough to threaten the Nexus itself, all Secrets must come together despite their differences to protect their common interest.

The Pactkeeper[]

Every time the Pact is activated, a Pactkeeper must be chosen by election. Once the Pactkeeper has been chosen they are invested with a fragment of power from every Secret, which gives them the authority over every Secret during the time that the Pact is active. This makes them, during that duration of time, the most powerful sorcerer or sorceress of the world.

The cost is steep, however, for once the Pact is revoked and the threat dealt with, the person who was chosen as Pactkeeper dies with it, unable to cope with the sheer amount of arcane power coursing through their system.

The elder spell[]

A contract like the Secrets and the structures it upholds can not be relied upon to maintain themselves without a mechanism to enforce them, as such, upon the creation of the babylon pact, the leaders of each of the six major secrets gathered to construct their great work of unity, The Elder Spell. The elder spell itself is a form of binding magic, initially set up in six parts that when used together, can be used to evoke El and call upon all those who have aligned with the secrets, but when used separately, it is an integral part of declaring a new triad, granting the abilities and dominion of a rhymer, lore keeper, or alchemist, granting access to normally prohibited abilities to the chosen triad member as part of a lengthy ritual. While each tablet of the elder spell is rather useless outside of either ritual they are needed for, they can be rather useful sources of natural energy, as they were carved from Crystal at the cente roof the nexus, given to the original secret leaders by El themself.