If anyone is in the mood for some RPing,I'm starting something on the Live chat here.
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I've been craving for some RPing on this site but it seems not many people are on it.But,for thos of you who are online,do you wanna roleplay?
Just a heads up to say that the new Rewards system is now fully operational. We will be making a post to keep a record of the Seals you've earned hopefully by the end of the day and the admins will be briefed on when and how to award them.
If you already have a character that is of a type now only available through rewards (namely an Elite or an Incarnate), you may continue to play them, they're yours. From now on however pages with Rewards as a category can only be accessed or made through the rewards system. Likewise, please do not make weapons for your characters out of reward materials (Darkglass, Seraphite, Stygian Iron, and Ferrite) without winning them through rewards, though if your character already possessed one they may keep them.
Greetings players of ensorcelling beings!
I come to you with an idea, for a character of mine, inspired by my favorite songwriters and wordweavers!
Lacthakr! Dragon Warrior of Hyperborea!
So, the idea revolves around the total corruption of the magical energies of the Nexus, or perhaps influence of the abyss. Lacthakr is a warrior from a long-dead civilization, known since the Greeks, known as Hyperborea, a far north civilzation, in what is now The Arctic.
He was granted what many dream of: Immortality, but in a corrupted and sickeningly twisted way. For every time he recieves a wound of a mortal form, he dies. One month later, he is reborn, healed. He awakes from his cold grave and goes on, searching for his purpose.
He can be, however, killed in anyway a normal human being may be killed, and can be disabled in many ways, for example, he will appear in the Role-Play after the chain he attached to himself in order to drown has rusted through and broken.
If his limbs are severed, they regenerate as his normal wounds do.
He feels as though his purpose, though he hates it, is to preform acts of carnage and bloody warfare. Thus, he carries on an eternal fight, in the name of Hyperborea, and in the hopes death shall one day claim him forever.
Any thoughts?
if he goes is someone to replace him or is it left
my months ban is up but it still says im blocked for good can someone un ban me plz
Hello Everyone and welcome to this discussion!
This is regarding the use of a "Title" to mark out a page that needs to reviewed, for example:
This method has several cons, mainly it doesnt group all such pages into a record, making it hard to find every page that needs to be edited, and more importantly (as visible on the page linked above), it ruins the page. Yes, it makes us look amateurish.
The best solution to this, is undoubtedly the creation of a category, to be added to every page that needs to be reviewed, and removing it after revising. This way it not only looks neat and methodological but also creates an area where the pages that need to be reviewed are listed.
My last suggestion would to elect a user with the rights of a "rollback", who will be in charge of editing page with that category and removing it after completion.
Please consider carefully before voting.
Thank you for your time,
To make it easier to find a character profile while IG, I propose we instate either a page, or tag/category for all characters currently active with links to info and profiles for quick reference.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who would find it a useful addition to the wiki.
Also, I fully volunteer myself for the task of creating such an article.
You know we should conference about this, because it bothers me that not "all" admins were not discussing this.
"God damn...." -Eric.
Hello fellow members of this wiki,
This is the discussion for the Banning of User:Niklaus_Mikaelson not only from the chat but from the wikia itself, the Admin banning Klaus is Mai Chiyo. When asked the reason for the ban, he concluded it was due to similar names, we cannot ban users without solid evidence. As you are all aware that this wiki doesn't run on speculations and assumptions are the biggest source of conflict. Please share you opinions on whether the user should remain banned or not. I personally think he should be immediately unbanned.