If anyone is in the mood for some RPing,I'm starting something on the Live chat here.
Oh,welll you should probably ask Photophosphorylation.
OKay thank you:)How active is this secret skype network?
Yay!Okay so is it fine if I start it?
Darn!I don't have a skype!But it would be nice to RP
If anyone is in the mood for some RPing,I'm starting something on the Live chat here.
Maybe I could create another character that doesn't even know Bridget and Richard that could join the Nocten.
Okay so you think I should just join the Nocten as the Lucen forum is dead.
Oh okay.:)
Could you check?But your right.ZIt seems the Noc=ten have a lot of more people and activity and I've been wanting to join one of these big Rping forums.
well I chose the lucen,but that part seems to be dead completly,so could we switch sides?
Thank you :)