As the amount of available admins has been currently undergoing a decrease (XIII is the latest in a long line of us dropping like proverbial flies), the activity on this wiki has grinded to a halt. We understand your annoyance at this, but there is very little we can do to compensate for it.
Except for allowing you to compensate for it yourselves. We've set up a Skype chat system which will be more productive than the chat for several reasons. It allows us to keep better track on the roleplay because messages aren't deleted, and we're going to have separate conversations set up for the different 'parts' of the roleplay; a convo for every Secret, for example, which will mean your roleplays can be kept separate based on alignment or where your characters are.
This will require less admin intervention, even though we will still oversee it all through one admin account. The chat of the wiki will still be up and running, but may see a decrease in activity.
If you wish to be added to the Secrets skype network, send a friend request to ignited.spark and we'll add you to the main conversation.
Hopefully, see you soon!