Spring time, the heir apparent of seasons has finally begun to creep it's way into being. All around the dull winter had begun to fade, and life slowly began to creep back in to our black and white world. It could not be said though that looks were the only thing changing, spring time could be felt in it's return. Life was more crisp and fresh, the people around moved with a more jolly step to them. Festivals sang out their praises to the changing seasons in the night sky, and all was becoming well.
It is in this time of changing, that a letter arrives to all of those interested. A letter of invitation. It reads as follows.
"This letter extends the gift of hospitality to it's holder, who shall sign their name upon having finished it in the marked space below. This hospitality is offered from and within the confines of Bifrost keep, to be found in that coldest of regions in Northern Europa. In a place which this letter will show your mind's eye upon the signing of your name below.
It is with great joy that the Secret of the Ausgard Jotunheim Kindred, known by many as the Jotunn tribe. Invites the holder of this letter to our annual Walpurgisnacht, or Beltane celebration.
This is a festival of peace and love between folk. All those transgressions between parties attending that have happened outside of the event, are to be overlooked or pushed aside until the festival is fully concluded. By attending this event, the holder of this document agrees to the old laws of hospitality, the violation of which our Secret considers one of the most severe crimes.
So come, be merry with us on this night of night and day of days. Remember your ancestors fondly with us, speak their stories, drink and be in warm company and spirits in our hearth!
-Lord Ymir of Bifrost"
After having read this note in full, and having signed their name on the bottom. The holder recalled exactly where it was they needed to go to attend this event, and how best to travel in order to arrive on time, as if they had always known.
Everything had been prepared in the halls of Bifrost. Grand tables for the seating of hundreds had been created from the finest and most massive felled trees. Grand feasts were being roasted and prepared at the very moment, And already plenty of food and drink was available for those who had arrived. Beautiful Asgardian women and men made their way around the tables, some prepared to serve the guests and others there to enjoy the festivals themselves, though of course even those who were serving would have their time of merry making. Large stout Jotunn workers moved into place beautiful decorations around the halls. Statues of great battles made of permanent ice, busts of great Asgardian heroes and designs of a distinctly Asgardian nature were all put into place. All was perfectly in order for the coming events.
The old and wise leader, first of the Jotun and one of the former kings of Jotunheim, Ymir stood at the center of it all. Watching everything fall into place perfectly with the voluptuous Freyja at his side, dressed in the finest of fur coats and wear in contrast to her husband's more reserved and decorated warrior garb. He spoke in a jolly tone, almost uncharacteristic for the eight foot tall mountain of an ice blue colored jotun. Stroking his aged white beard softly in one hand, as if pondering. "Do you think it is enough my dear? Shall this really be a feast of feasts? We have hosted one of magnitude every year at this time, I worry it has become...Without the glory it once held."
The queen Freyja smiled and reached upward to rub her husband's shoulder with affection. Before pushing away over toward a mead table, in order to collect herself a glass of one of their fine honeyed alcoholic brews "Tis without a doubt a fine feast and event to come my king. With both our hard work, and our new benefactor having graciously provided the many gifts of affection and prestige they did... This will without a doubt be a celebration that stands firmly among the greatest memories of all who attend."
The king nodded and looked out at the hall. Everything was in place, a team of their finest hunters and woodsman were out at this very moment in search of the perfect tree from which the may pole would be carved. This would trully be a celebration worthy of memory.