Right! As you can all see, thanks to the wonderful work of the community development team member JoePlay, we now have a lunar calendar widget on the home page! it's been a while, sorry, my schedule's a bit hectic. However, there was a purpose for this and we're implementing it now.
The goal is that the widget will serve to show a sort of balance between light and dark due to the turn of the lunar cycle. The concept is pretty simple, therefore, and will affect the powers of characters using Light or Dark:
During the New Moon or when the moon is below 50% full, Dark powers have the advantage over Light. Demons are more powerful than angels during this time, shadow magic is more effective than light magic, etc. This increases as the percentage of full moon lowers, so this effect is strongest at the New Moon or 0% full.
During the Full Moon or when the moon is above 50% full, Light powers have the advantage over Dark. Angels are stronger than demons, healing is more effective, etc. This increases as the percentage of full moon increases, so it is highest at the Full Moon.
I'll make a page with full examples for this rule as soon as you've all had a chance to ask questions or make points! Please remember to try your luck in the Story Challenge, too, as it will be closing soon and may win you a Seal (although you'd have to best the stories already written by Shadow first -good luck!)
On other news we'll be wrapping up the remaining parts of The Labyrinth event soon (although this probably won't involve a full blown chat event) and returning to normal plot RP, with a slow-building story arc to account for the fact that a lot of the admin team have reduced availability at the moment. Once the Mad King's Labyrinth is closed the labyrinth zone will be inaccesible for people qho do not possess a weapon made of Ferrite.
Oh, and, if you have any opinions on the color scheme and new look you'd like us to know, don't hesitate to comment this thread with them! That goes for any question you need an answer to, as well.