The slide show on the main page is very cool, granted, but what exactly is going on in the images?
Come up with an explanation or brief fragment of a story explaining what might be happening in the four main pictures on the home page! Is that a young sorceress fending off a Lamia? Or is she trying to break through a shield to reach an Incarnate?
The best storyteller will win a Seal! You don't have to explain all of the images if you don't want to, but the more you do, the higher your chances. Knowledge of the wiki lore is rewarded!
This thread will stay open until everyone who wanted to answer has had a chance. Good luck! :D
Joshua was a skilled member of the Court of Versailles, one of the best. He'd been with them for most of his life, and you could almost say he was born into it. His skills with Light magic was practically unrivaled, and his charm and charisma made him favored by all. And these things were what made his downfall all the more devastating. When the war against the Others began, Joshua's skills served the Secrets well in pushing them back. But one day, Joshua was visited by a woman who possessed unparalleled beauty. Despite his better judgement, he soon found himself falling under her sway. Before he knew what he was doing, he'd turned his magic on his allies. It was only after cutting down his closest friend that he finally broke free of Lilith's grasp. Horrified by the things he had done, and feeling his willpower weakening, he used his last ounces of strength to charge alone into a swarm of the Others, unleashing his devastating Light magics. Joshua was never heard from again, but his legacy is a revered story among the members of the Court of Versailles.
Hector swore as he slammed the door behind him, wedging a sword across the door in a vein hope to keep it closed. He backed away as those witches from the Daughters of Hecate hammered on the door, cursing his superiors in the Sons of Mars for sending him on this blasted infiltration mission. Sure, it had sounded easy at the time. Just sneak in undetected, steal some documents, gather a bit of intel, and sneak back out. What's the worst that could happen? Well, he'd found that out the hard way now, hadn't he? He'd had the misfortune of walking into a group of the Daughters in prayer, led by none other than Lachesis herself. So here he was, backed into a room with only one door, with an army of angry sorcerers on the other side. He was jolted back to his situation as the door cracked, the sword clattering to the ground. He sighed, knowing that he wasn't going to escape. He raised his hand, allowing his cloak to flow open, his enchanted daggers floating into the air as the door gave way. If they wanted him, they'd have to pay in blood.
A pair of lovers, a man and a woman, perished at the same time. The pair were skiiled mages, having used their talents in countless battles, and it was in battle they met their end. However, their death is not what is important, but what came after. You see, the man, having been a virtuous and merciful warrior, was destined for Heaven. But the woman was ruthless in battle, and had cut down many who had surrendered, and for this she was bound for Hades. The pair was devastated that they were to be split, and while the woman begrudgingly accepted her fate, the man refused. He pleaded with Apollion to take her in his place, not wanting her to suffer in Hades. Apollion was touched that he would give up so much for another, but he refused. Angered, the man claimed that if she could not go to Heaven, he would go to Hades with her. Mephisto was more than happy to accept this offer. Not wanting his bitter rival to claim victory in the matter, Apollion reversed his decision, accepting the man's plea. And so, the man meant for Heaven went to Hades, and became a Demon. And the woman meant for Hades became an Angel in Heaven. To this day, the two dread the day they ever meet on the field of battle.
Jan was a Dryad, living a quiet and pleasant life in his Arbor. He enjoyed the silence of his forest, and spent every day with the animals that called it home. He would greet many of the wanders that happened upon his Arbor with a smile, treating them with kindness and helping them along their way. But one day, he noticed a change befalling the other Dryads in the forest. They were acting more cruel than they once did, and soon enough he found out why. The Children of Morrigan had started tainting his brothers and sisters, contaminating the forest as they went. He felt sorrow at the fate of his friends, but knew that he couldn't allow them to corrupt the forest. Jan's hands glowed as he walked towards the Arbor of the nearest tainted Dryad, butterflies flitting around him as he walked.
Hope you all enjoyed my stories, it took me a while to write them up.
Okay! I think you're very deserving of the Seal, given that your stories seem to be not only the best but the only ones present! They probably would have won anyway, given their undeniable quality. Congratulations! If at any point we are asked what the pictures in the slide show represent, your explanations will be used as the answer.