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Do you guys have a discord server you people rp in
I'm probably going to sound...well...read a little odd, but i was just wondering where you could rp this since i've had a look around and i can't seem to find anything. Whether it's just me being silly (which is probably is) or i'm not looking in the right place, i don't know. But some help would be nice. Thank you for your time
(Edited by Norborus)
Is it ok if I can go and create a game based on the RP Universe of Secrets RP.
All rights to the game's lore and foundation will be to he wiki, and all links that provide the game will have the Secrets RP Wikia's Homepage along with it, giving the original pots credit to he community.
The game will be set most likely in the future, and will have some smal features changed to make the game more playable.
I posted a simlar message on photo's wall and recieved no answer, so I am posting it here for other admins to see, and hopefully tell him.
(Edited by SuperEliteJordan)
Spring time, the heir apparent of seasons has finally begun to creep it's way into being. All around the dull winter had begun to fade, and life slowly began to creep back in to our black and white world. It could not be said though that looks were the only thing changing, spring time could be felt in it's return. Life was more crisp and fresh, the people around moved with a more jolly step to them. Festivals sang out their praises to the changing seasons in the night sky, and all was becoming well.
It is in this time of changing, that a letter arrives to all of those interested. A letter of invitation. It reads as follows.
"This letter extends the gift of hospitality to it's holder, who shall sign their name upon having finished it in the marked space below. This hospitality is offered from and within the confines of Bifrost keep, to be found in that coldest of regions in Northern Europa. In a place which this letter will show your mind's eye upon the signing of your name below.
It is with great joy that the Secret of the Ausgard Jotunheim Kindred, known by many as the Jotunn tribe. Invites the holder of this letter to our annual Walpurgisnacht, or Beltane celebration.
This is a festival of peace and love between folk. All those transgressions between parties attending that have happened outside of the event, are to be overlooked or pushed aside until the festival is fully concluded. By attending this event, the holder of this document agrees to the old laws of hospitality, the violation of which our Secret considers one of the most severe crimes.
So come, be merry with us on this night of night and day of days. Remember your ancestors fondly with us, speak their stories, drink and be in warm company and spirits in our hearth!
-Lord Ymir of Bifrost"
After having read this note in full, and having signed their name on the bottom. The holder recalled exactly where it was they needed to go to attend this event, and how best to travel in order to arrive on time, as if they had always known.
Everything had been prepared in the halls of Bifrost. Grand tables for the seating of hundreds had been created from the finest and most massive felled trees. Grand feasts were being roasted and prepared at the very moment, And already plenty of food and drink was available for those who had arrived. Beautiful Asgardian women and men made their way around the tables, some prepared to serve the guests and others there to enjoy the festivals themselves, though of course even those who were serving would have their time of merry making. Large stout Jotunn workers moved into place beautiful decorations around the halls. Statues of great battles made of permanent ice, busts of great Asgardian heroes and designs of a distinctly Asgardian nature were all put into place. All was perfectly in order for the coming events.
The old and wise leader, first of the Jotun and one of the former kings of Jotunheim, Ymir stood at the center of it all. Watching everything fall into place perfectly with the voluptuous Freyja at his side, dressed in the finest of fur coats and wear in contrast to her husband's more reserved and decorated warrior garb. He spoke in a jolly tone, almost uncharacteristic for the eight foot tall mountain of an ice blue colored jotun. Stroking his aged white beard softly in one hand, as if pondering. "Do you think it is enough my dear? Shall this really be a feast of feasts? We have hosted one of magnitude every year at this time, I worry it has become...Without the glory it once held."
The queen Freyja smiled and reached upward to rub her husband's shoulder with affection. Before pushing away over toward a mead table, in order to collect herself a glass of one of their fine honeyed alcoholic brews "Tis without a doubt a fine feast and event to come my king. With both our hard work, and our new benefactor having graciously provided the many gifts of affection and prestige they did... This will without a doubt be a celebration that stands firmly among the greatest memories of all who attend."
The king nodded and looked out at the hall. Everything was in place, a team of their finest hunters and woodsman were out at this very moment in search of the perfect tree from which the may pole would be carved. This would trully be a celebration worthy of memory.
(Edited by TheHeathen)
As promised to a lovely forum-bound Admin, the time has come to discuss starting another forum based RP! Now, we have an advantage in that we have an entirely untouched event on the moon we could continue going along with. HOWEVER, if you think you have a different idea, or want to try something else, put your suggestions and comments on the situation here!
Thank you - Vass
(Edited by TheHeathen)
You...Yes you there! Do you sometimes get the feeling that you're nothing but a peasant? A low class ruffian who lives off the coattails of the elite? Well we think so too! That's why you should follow us, the fabulous Kardia triplets and their dearest Otho on Twitter. Simply go to our Twitter at Exousia Kardia and hit the follow button in the right corner. So simple even a peasant could do it!
For those who aren't in the know (And shame on you for it) allow us to give you a brief description of our four fabulous posters!
Vesperid Kardia: The enigmatic (not to mention impossibly handsome) CEO of Porcelain, the world's leading industry in cosmetic research and production.
Stheno Kardia: Deemed the most stunning model on the globe four times, consecutively. Known for doing modeling work for her brother's cosmetic industry. And rounding out as much sass as we can handle.
Elaphora Kardia: A well known enthusiast of pop culture and animated shows. Elaphora is the youngest of the Kardia triplets. Rumors abound that she's in some interesting clubs. But I wouldn't ask.
Otho: Last but certainly not least, Otho has been a close associate of the triplets for some time. Word is he's thought of as the fourth of the Kardia siblings. But you'd have to be able to talk to him to ask yourself.
You'll see us, we're not sure if we'll see you.
(Edited by TheHeathen)
*On each face of the obelisk is carved a symbol; A curled cat, a candle, a tower, a cup overflowing with coins, a raven's skull with a plume of feathers and an ornate arch*
For a Seal, decrypt which Secret is represented by each facet of the obelisk used in the activation of the Babylon Pact!
(Edited by Photophosphorylation)
If anyone is in the mood for some RPing,I'm starting something on the Live chat here.
(Edited by Sillyice890)
As the amount of available admins has been currently undergoing a decrease (XIII is the latest in a long line of us dropping like proverbial flies), the activity on this wiki has grinded to a halt. We understand your annoyance at this, but there is very little we can do to compensate for it.
Except for allowing you to compensate for it yourselves. We've set up a Skype chat system which will be more productive than the chat for several reasons. It allows us to keep better track on the roleplay because messages aren't deleted, and we're going to have separate conversations set up for the different 'parts' of the roleplay; a convo for every Secret, for example, which will mean your roleplays can be kept separate based on alignment or where your characters are.
This will require less admin intervention, even though we will still oversee it all through one admin account. The chat of the wiki will still be up and running, but may see a decrease in activity.
If you wish to be added to the Secrets skype network, send a friend request to ignited.spark and we'll add you to the main conversation.
Hopefully, see you soon!
(Edited by Photophosphorylation)
I've been craving for some RPing on this site but it seems not many people are on it.But,for thos of you who are online,do you wanna roleplay?
(Edited by Sillyice890)
The time has come for a new Event!
Conflict between the Nocten and Lucen has always been a fact of their existence, but now they are being assieged by the forces of Lilith.
Just as the effects of the Lunar Cycle have become more tangible to the world of Magic, the slavering darkness has chosen to exploit the spark of El contained inside the moon.
Take arms to defend one of the two sides! Do you fight for Vesperius and the Shadow Mechanics, or Phosphoris and the Silver Wilderness?
The main structure of the event will be run through the forum feature, but admins may still run moon-themed events on chat! Two new Realms for RP have been added, along with two new races, two new deities, and a new plot line. The side that you choose will affect the outcome of this event!
Let the battle for the moon begin!
To align with the Full Moon and the Lucen, join the RP on http://secret-rp.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:5108
To align with the New Moon and the Nocten, join the RP on http://secret-rp.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:5106
(Edited by Photophosphorylation)
(Plea of the Lucen)
It is much too dark for the stranger to see a thing, but the barn owl beside her guides her silently through the shadows of the forest. Pine needles crunch quietly underfoot, some dried and old as twigs while others are soft and fresh. Her fingers clutch the leather-wrapped hilt of a bone dagger, the pale edge gleaming slightly in the night with black blood.
She remembered it sharply, down to the finest detail; her arrival in this world and his, the sudden anger and fear that they both felt, the blind slash of her blade. The dagger had caught flesh, torn skin, but his own attack had missed. They had parted quickly, him taking the direction she had originally intended. It had been months now, and she could only hope that he succumbed to his wounds before he reached his destination.
She saw the fires before she heard the drums. Three bonfires, set in a triangle in the center of a clearing, and figures dancing and twisting around them to the primal beating of leather drums. It was, in some ways, like her own home; but this place was warmer, and this forest more ominous.
As she stepped hesitantly into the clearing, the rythm of the drums petered out; guests were a usual occurence but she was the first to be so very different. Her attire, her appearance, and even her scent had a strange otherworldliness about it.
When she stood by the outcropping above the clearing, she was framed by the light of selene; even through the mesh of pine needles, it was impossible to miss the alarming sight before the gathered Children.
There were cracks in the moon.
(Edited by Photophosphorylation)
(Plea of the Nocten)
The stars shine like flecks of ice as the steps of the stranger leave droplets of inky blood on the flagstones. He approaches the castle, wreathed in a heavy voyager's cloak; the glint of metal permeates the fabric, although it seems to be nothing more than dark cloth. A clockwork owl flies silently beside him on delicate wings, landing on his shoulder as he slumps against the wooden door, a hand clutching the deep wonds in his stomach.
The stranger lifts a gauntleted fist and pounds on the door with a wince of pain. The shadows curl around him as he does so, flowing from his dark blood and darker skin. When the doors swing open he almost falls, but an armored Archon catches his shoulder, bringing him through the doors with a perplexed expression on its almost featureless face.
As the dark stranger turns to the assembled sorcerers that have gathered curiously by the door, he is framed by the moon. No one can fail to see the perplexing phenomenon spreading across it, dark and ominous, like the web of a venemous spider.
There are cracks in the moon.
(Edited by Photophosphorylation)
ADMIN RESPONSE ONLY THREAD Admins, please post a comment to this thread when you award a Seal to a User! To do this, post a link to their User Page and send a small copy of the Seal picture accompanied by a sentence explaining what the reward was for.
If you are awarding a Seal to a Player that already has one, just edit the original comment and add another below. When the Player spends their Seals, the images should be removed, although the sentences explaining what they were awarded for should remain.
(Edited by administrators)
So, there's /another/ issue with the internet. Large internet providers in the U.S are trying to get the government to pass laws which would essentially allow them to slow to a crawl those particular sites which did not pay a prime amount of money to the companies which provide internet access to Americans. Now, not only is this a problem for those of us (This humble admin included) who access the internet from the United States. But it's a problem for our entire international community.
You see, these sorts of events cause ripples. This isn't going to be an isolated incident if it passes here. American corporations are not anything if not operating internationally. C.E.Os shake hands across lakes and oceans alike. And once they win this battle here, you can expect your local overl---*Communist admin cough* local C.E.Os and companies to push for legislation in your home nations, so long as money buys votes and a louder voices, this problem will never end.
So please, friends and comrades of our wiki. Sign up to make your voice heard using the above large thing^ it doesn't matter where you're from, you can use your voice to help the people's struggle for an open free internet to exchange ideas without borders. The only people who benefit from these laws being passed are a handful of companies, and the people who lose are average internet users like you and I.
So please, serve the people and oppose the end of net neutrality. Spread the word where you can and sign up. Thank you!
P.S here's a song for you.(Edited by TheHeathen)
Right! As you can all see, thanks to the wonderful work of the community development team member JoePlay, we now have a lunar calendar widget on the home page! it's been a while, sorry, my schedule's a bit hectic. However, there was a purpose for this and we're implementing it now.
The goal is that the widget will serve to show a sort of balance between light and dark due to the turn of the lunar cycle. The concept is pretty simple, therefore, and will affect the powers of characters using Light or Dark:
During the New Moon or when the moon is below 50% full, Dark powers have the advantage over Light. Demons are more powerful than angels during this time, shadow magic is more effective than light magic, etc. This increases as the percentage of full moon lowers, so this effect is strongest at the New Moon or 0% full.
During the Full Moon or when the moon is above 50% full, Light powers have the advantage over Dark. Angels are stronger than demons, healing is more effective, etc. This increases as the percentage of full moon increases, so it is highest at the Full Moon.
I'll make a page with full examples for this rule as soon as you've all had a chance to ask questions or make points! Please remember to try your luck in the Story Challenge, too, as it will be closing soon and may win you a Seal (although you'd have to best the stories already written by Shadow first -good luck!)
On other news we'll be wrapping up the remaining parts of The Labyrinth event soon (although this probably won't involve a full blown chat event) and returning to normal plot RP, with a slow-building story arc to account for the fact that a lot of the admin team have reduced availability at the moment. Once the Mad King's Labyrinth is closed the labyrinth zone will be inaccesible for people qho do not possess a weapon made of Ferrite.
Oh, and, if you have any opinions on the color scheme and new look you'd like us to know, don't hesitate to comment this thread with them! That goes for any question you need an answer to, as well.
(Edited by Photophosphorylation)
As mentioned by TheHeathen, myself and two other members of our "staff team" recently chose to take some time awa for personal reaons. I have returned, but I am unaware of the status of the others, if anyone would like to know where I went, send me a message! XD
(Edited by Thatyelloworange)